
Build a WhatsApp bot with Twilio APIs, in 30 minutes πŸ•


A few months ago, I'd started making chatbots on Telegramβ€”I'd seen APIs for WhatsApp but they were unofficial and there was a chance for getting your number blocked πŸ“± ❌

A week ago, I saw that Twilio had an official WhatsApp API. 30 minutes later, I made a Wikipedia bot on WhatsApp πŸ‘‡

This is a workshop to help you make a something like this, and make your own chatbots on WhatsApp, in just 30 minutes πŸŽ“

πŸ”‘ Accounts and Keys

First, Sign up for Twilioβ€”it's free and you won't need a credit card πŸ’³

Once you're done verifying your phone number, select Products > Programmable SMS and then continue to name your project.

Feel free to skip steps for adding teammatesβ€”you won't need that for now.

You must now take note of some authentication keys you'll need for building the WhatsApp bot πŸ‘‡

The final stepβ€”set up your WhatsApp Sandboxβ€”choose any number, and join your sandbox following instructions on the page.

…and you're done with credential setup! Don't worry, that was the toughest part of this tutorial πŸ˜›

πŸš€ Getting Started

So that we don't spend too much time on setup, I've created an environment (with!) you can use within your browser. Head over here, and wait for a couple of seconds to fork it.

Next, open up server.js and put in your Account SID and Auth Token, on lines 7 and 8


You can see, this environment already has dependencies installed, and an express server set up. We still need to give Twilio a URL to send incoming messages to, though πŸ”—

Let's go back to the WhatsApp Sandbox, and put in a webhook URL for incoming messages.

This URL must be what you see on the preview panel of your project + /incoming

We can now finally read messages that are sent to the bot. Add a simple console.log() in your webhook handler πŸ‘‡'/incoming', (req, res) => {

When you send a message to your bot, you should be able to see something like this in your console πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Building an Echo bot would look something like this, using twiml to write a message πŸ‘‡'/incoming', (req, res) => {
  const twiml = new MessagingResponse()
  res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' })

But, since we're actually trying to build a useful botβ€”let's use informative APIs!

🌐 Fetching Information

DuckDuckGo has an amazing, free instant answer API. It takes in a query and returns back a summary from Wikipedia and more.

A few examples πŸ‘‰ Wikipedia, MacBook Pro, Twilio

I spent some time creating a decent parser which usually returns information from this API. Try pasting this code in your project, and your console should have stuff about Trump in it πŸ˜›

const base =
const query = 'Donald Trump'

request(base + query, (error, response, body) => {
  body = JSON.parse(body)
  if (body['Abstract'] == '') {
    body['Abstract'] = body['RelatedTopics'][0]['Text']
  const msg = body['Heading'] + '\n\n' + body['Abstract']

Pretty straight forward, right? πŸ˜„

πŸ› οΈ Putting it all together

To make our actual bot, all we need to do is get the query from our requestβ€”which we can get as req.body.Bodyβ€”and use twmil to send across the data we collected in msg'/incoming', (req, res) => {
  const twiml = new MessagingResponse()
  const base =
  const query = req.body.Body

  request(base + query, (error, response, body) => {
    body = JSON.parse(body)

    if (body['Abstract'] == '') {
      body['Abstract'] = body['RelatedTopics'][0]['Text']

    const msg = twiml.message(body['Heading'] + '\n\n' + body['Abstract'])
    res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' })

You now have a fully-functioning WhatsApp bot! Send anything you want to know about your bot πŸ€– and you should see it respond super fast πŸ’¬ ⚑

Adding welcome messages and a little formatting is quite simple, look at the final repl to see how I did it πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— Sharing the bot

For others to use this bot, they'll need to join your sandbox firstβ€”and send a message just like you did earlier πŸ‘‰ join <two-words>

You can create links with this text too. For example, this link lets you join my bot πŸ‘‡ ultramarine-tapir

14155238886 is my bot's number, while ultramarine-tapir is the sandbox phrase.

Now, go ahead and share your bot on the #ship channel on the Hack Club Slack!

⚑ What's next?

Now that you know how to build a bot on WhatsApp, try sending notifications to yourself, and use different JSON APIs to create bots πŸ€–

Here are some you can play with πŸ‘‡

All code for my WikiBot is on GitHub, feel free to refer to it ✨

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